23 July 2008


J'ai longé La Seine. Smoking a Cuban:

Le Tour Eiffel:

Looking across the Seine at Notre Dame on the Île de la Cité:

One from the Jardin des Plantes for the Fatboy:


14 July 2008

Try Triad Again

Even if you've already "succeeded," it's still quite a line.

Photo by Sergio Verdina on July 7, 2007. There's actually more snow than the photo shows as of yesterday.

Thanks for a great day, Davide, Ryan, and Tim.


12 July 2008

Just Because

I'm at the lab at some stupid hour on a beautiful Saturday evening and my mental energy is spent. And I want to update the Magik Numbers.

The first ones, with tape on the left, were sloppy. The new one still drying on the right is perfect.

And here is the perfect new one erected in all its glory, ready for action. Too bad the focus is crap. Huh?

I'm going skiing tomorrow!


04 July 2008

Bons Vivants à la Montagne

Cécile m'a rendu une visite. Nous avons monté Wedge Mountain deux fois.

Here is a photo of the food and spirits we hauled to the hut at Wedgemount Lake. We weren't able to finish it all.

C'est la vie.

And happy 4th of July everyone, HOORAY AMERICA !
